Description: Portraits of Somesville Grade School. Marked at top, Somesville Grammar School, 1962-1963, Grade Five-Six. Students from top, left to right; John Merchant gr 5, Danny Lawson, gr 6; row two, Mary Brown, Joanne Smith gr 6; row three, Milton Gilley gr 6, Ruby Higgins, teacher, Macky Gilley gr 6, row four, James Gonzales gr 6, Diane Blanchard gr 4, Fred Hubbard. Written at bottom, "last sixth and fifth grade classes at Somesville".
Description: Portraits of Somesville Grade School Grade five and six. Marked, Happy School Days, Recalled by Jura Studio. Marked, “Grade V-VI, Somesville School, Somesville, Maine, 1957-58.” on bottom. Students from top row, left to rigth; Richard Kelly, Eleanor Lurvey; row two, Bobby Emerson, Ruby Higgins, teacher, George Gray, Jean Butler; row three, Pat Hibbard, Jimmy Greenlaw, unmarked, Ted Stanley, Ann Tracy; row four, Charlie Carter, Mary Emerson, Tony Merchant, Hazel Merchant, Tom Fernald. [show more]
Description: Portraits of Somesville Grade School Grade five and six mounted on singel mattte. Marked School Life 1960 -1961. Somesville Grade School Somesville Maine, Grade five-Six Jura Studio at bottom. Students from Left to right; top row; Lalb Pepper, Edna Gaudet, Linda Tracy, Virginia Richardson.Second row; Terry Blanchard, Gloria Cunninham, George Grant, Jr., Dora Lawson, Albert Merchant, Mary Emerson. Bottom Row; Calab Tracy, Nancy Kelly, John Butler, Debbie Gray, Danny Lawson, Freda Hibbard, Philip Gaudet. Written ar top center, Ruby Higgins teacher. [show more]
Description: Portraits of Dunham School grade one, 1964. Marked at top, “Dunham School, 1964, Grade Two. Students from top row, left to right; Suzette Hayned, Brian Richardson, Ruby Higgins, teacher, Gail Richardson, Stephen Fernald; row two, Mark Murphy, Victoria Haslam, Alan Hamblen, Beverly Carr, James Hanson, Judy Partridge; row three, Charles Bucklin, Ann Bryant, Larry Jordan, Laura Beal. Written in lower right hand corner, “Judy Walton picture didn’t come out. [show more]
Description: Portraits of Dunham School grade one, 1965-66. Marked at top, “Dunham School, 1966-1966, Grade One. Students from top row, left to right; Richard Bracy, Benny Graves, with question mark, Doris Freeman, teacher, Sandra Frost, Dale Alley; row two, Robert S., Mary Ann, Jay, Rossette Pottle, Kenneth Norwood, Julie Allen; row three, Beth, Arthur Modeen, Judy, Bruce Smallidge, Lynn, Alan Graves.
Description: Portraits of Mt. Desert Elementary School grade two, 1969-70. Marked at top, “Mt. Desert Elementary School, 1969-1970, Grade two:. No names on photo. Ruby Higgins teacher in center.
Description: Portraits of Somesville Grade School. Printed on bottom, Somesville School, Mt. Desert, ME., R. Higgins. Portraits of Somesville Grade School. No grade or year marked. M.Grant is marked at the bottom right Ruby written above R. Higgins. Marked on top, “School Memories, recalled by Alston Studios.” Students from top left to right; Joseph Musetti, [heice] Tracy, Ned Butler; row two, Ann Tracy, unmarked, Marie Richardson, Charlie Barnes, Dottie Kelley, Eliot Mitchell, Avis Lilly; row three, Everett Blanchard, Norma Hibbard, John Carter, Ralph Gonzales, David Grant, unmarked, Rolf Gonzales. [show more]
Description: Portraits of Somesville Grade School. No grade or year marked. M.Grant is marked at the bottom right. Students from left to right, top row; Tom Fernald, Pat Hibbard, Richard Kelley, Kay Tracy, Teddy Stanley, Georgia Robinson; row two, Deaveraux Barnes, Sharon Gonzales, Charlie Carter, Jean Barned, Tony Merchant, Carloyn Brown, Norman Richardson; row three, Lydia Butler, Earl Reed, Rosemary Blanchard, David Lucas, Libby Gonzales, Charlie Barnes, Dennis Blanchard. Margaret written above M. Grant. [show more]
Description: Gathering of people, children and adults on Somesville Library lawn. Man on right stands on rock with arms folded. At left girl holds small American flag with back to camera. Behind girl are hands holding pamphlet. In background is historic Abraham Somes III house. Mt Desert School bus in front of house. Woman on left in middle ground holds papers, man to right holds movie camera.
Description: Marked Hollis. Man age 40 -50 stands in field above two story white house. Telephone pole and unpaved road visible in background. Man wears dark cap with dark suit. Coat buttoned. Shiny/patterned tie hanging out of coat.
Description: Unknown men removing trees between Old Somesville Firehouse and Mount Desert Island Historical Society Selectmen's Building Museum. Dec 8, 1960
Description: Julian ?, June Smith and brother Daniel Somes Smith seated on rock. Julian on left age 6-8. Wears dark hat with sweater and light pants. June in middle age 7-9 with hands clasped in lap and legs crossed wears dark sweater with knee pants, dark stockings and boots. Daniel on right wears cap, dark jacket, knee pants, dark stockings and light colored shoes or boots.
Description: Daniel Somes Smith and brother June with Julian ?. Julian on left in tree, age 6-8. Wears dark hat with sweater and light pants. June in middle age7-9 seated on tree with hand on head wears dark sweater with knee pants, dark stockings and boots. Daniel on right wears cap, dark jacket, knee pants, dark stockings and light colored shoes or boots. Photo torn on upper left hand corner.
Description: John Leman Mayo (b.1887 [SW Harbor], d.1958) building log bridge on property of Mr. and Mrs. Raynor Wellington in Manset. Mayo is wearing cap, overalls, shirt, vest and tie. Holds hammer, has pipe in mouth. Log “gazebo” in background also made by Mayo. John Leman Mayo was married to Marion "Marnie" Burnett. Son of Augustus Mayo and Clara Lord Mayo.
Description: Photograph of pencil sketch of Capt. Lew Stanley by Aimee Lamb. Aimee Lamb lived on Sutton Island in the summers with her sisters. One was Rosamund Lamb. Lew Stanley is an uncle of Ralph W. Stanley. Captain Lewis Gilman "Lew" Stanley was born May 16, 1869, the son of Enoch B. (Sr.) and Caroline H. (Guptill) Stanley of Great Cranberry Island, ME. He was married to Leah Jeanette (Sawyer) Stanley. Captain "Lew" died Jan. 29, 1957. His house was located on "The Pool", and he had a large boathouse there as well. The boathouse blew down in the storm of 1978. He was a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge at Southwest Harbor. He is buried in the Stanley Cemetery on Great Cranberry Island. [show more]
Description: Photograph of pencil sketch of Capt. Lew Stanley by Aimme Lamb. Aimee Lamb lived on Sutton Island in the summers with her sisters. One was Rosamund Lamb.Lew Stanley is an uncle of Ralph W. Stanley.
Description: 3.5 X 5 black and white photograph of an older man sitting in flowered arm chair and reading newspaper. He wears glasses and is supporting paper with his right hand. Has white mustache, wears dark shirt, dress pants and dark shoes and socks. Bare wall behind him, Table to the left with books and a lamp with dark shade. Possibly LaRue's father.
Description: 3.5 X 5 black and white photograph of older couple sitting next to a Christmas tree in a living room with flowered wallpaper. A decorated Christmas tree stands in the corner of the room in the middle of the photo. Woman is on left side and sits in wooden rocking chair. Her Hair is tightly curled to her head. She wears a black dress with lace at the top. She is looking to the floor and holding her arm out for a black cat who is standing on the floor with tail up and head up toward her hand. There are some presents under tree behind cat. Man is sitting on couch to the right of the tree. His right arm is on the arm of the couch. He is wearing glasses and looking straight ahead. His left hand is in his lap, and hiis legs are crossed. Plant on coffee table in foreground. (Possibly LaRue’s parents) [show more]
Description: 3.5 X 5 black and white photograph of an older couple sitting on striped couch with black cat on the couch on the right side of photo. Decorated Christmas tree behind man. Couch is against wall with flowered wallpaper. Man is looking to the left of the photo hands crosssed in lap. He has white mustache and is wearing black shirt, dark pants, socks and shoes. His right leg is crossed over left. Woman is looking down to the cat which sits beside her on the right. She is handing something to the cat with her right hand. Her hair is curled tight on her head and she wears a black dress with brooch at throat. (thought to be LaRue’s parents.) [show more]
Description: 3.5 X 5 black and white photograph of an older woman in middle of photo wearing black dress and sitting in armchair. She is looking at camera and holding a book on her lap with her left hand and holding a pencil in her right hand. She is wearing glasses and mouth is slightly opened. Window behind her with dark curtains to the floor. Floor land and bookshelf to the left of the picture. Books on right hand side of photo. Possibly LaRue’s Mother. [show more]
Description: 3.5 X 5 black and white photograph of an older woman standing in sunlight on walkway beside two story white house. Standing near corner of house with lots of trailing bushes around perimeter. She is wearing glasses and squinting. She is wearing a light colored house dress and back shoes. Hands are down at sides. Large dark vine grows behind her and reaches to second story of house.
Description: 3.5 X 5 black and white photograph of a man with mustache and glasses reading newspaper in arm chair and doily behind head. Wearing glasses and white shirt, striped belt and pants and socks, no shoes, Feet propped up on something. Man’s right hand on armchair. White lamp post behind to left of chair. Magazine rack to right of chair with ‘POST’ in it. Fern pattern on wallpaper and rug.
Description: 2.5 X 2.5 black and white photograph of an elderly woman standing in center of photo next to car with opened door on back passenger’s side, Woman is facing camera and has slight smile. Is wearing dark hat, dark dress coat and dark glove on hand which is slightly in her right pocket.