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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
8539Pearl Richardson on Tractor
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
Pearl Richardson on Tractor no print of this image appears to exist as of 7/6/2016-RSR and ACB
8538P.S. Richardson Farm, Oak Hill Rd.
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
Pearl S. Richardson Farm, Oak Hill Rd. Distant view of the farm that includes the house and barn. no print of this image appears to exist as of 7/6/2016 (RSR and ACB)
8537Richardson's Milk truck
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • Other, Farms
Pauline Black and Alberta Richardson; one on the running board and one behind the hood of the milk truck at Pearl Richardson Farm, Oak Hill Rd. side of truck reads: "RICHARDSON'S MILK, PASTURIZED AND RAW" Pearl S. Richardson was among the first farmers to begin pasteurizing milk. The farm was on the Oak Hill Road in Mount Desert. The photo of his milk truck was probably taken in the 1930s. no print of this images appears to exist as of 7/6/2016 (RSR and ACB) [show more]
8536John Fernald Receives Keys to Bordeaux Dairy Truck from Bob Buck
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
John Fernald receiving keys to new, light-colored Bordeaux Dairy truck from Bob Buck who is in the dark suit. Donor of negative says it is John Fernald in the truck; others have said it is Bud Bordeaux. This should be investigated. (note made 7/6/2016 by RSR and ACB) side of truck reads: "Bordeaux' Dairy, QUALITY PRODUCTS Since 1882"
8535Bordeaux Dairy Wagon
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
Bordeaux Dairy Wagon being pulled by a horse. An unknown man is driving the wagon. A woven basket is visible in the lower right corner of the picture.
8534Harry and Pearl Bordeaux Putting Water in Truck
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
Harry and Pearl Bordeaux putting water in truck. Truck has open sides with drop curtains; 9 cans sit in foreground. Truck is parked in front of a barn.
8533Andrews Farm Market Truck, July 4, Bar Harbor
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • 1920c.
Andrews Farm Market truck at Independence Day parade in Bar Harbor. Frank Andrews wearing cap.
8532Fogg Farm
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
Fogg Farm. George Fogg on the far left, leaning on jigger (?) cart; Willard Fogg on cart carrying crates; Jesse Fogg kneeling. Horses and buggies
8530Howe Smith Farm:Charlotte Smith Ingalls & Charolde [Sherrold?] Smith
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
Howe Smith farm house; Charlotte Smith Ingalls w/ Charolde Smith [Sherrold Leland Smith?--b.1918, d.1999, per Thomas Vining]
8529Gott's Island from Little Gott's Island
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • 1906
Looking towards Gott's Island from Little Gott's Island. Negative taken from postcard by CE Cook, Bangor 1906. Black band at bottom on which is printed "Gott's Island, Maine" and under that is hand-written "This is a view of my home, with love from, sister Nell". View includes sail boats, skiffs in harbor and houses on island.
13639Betty Moore gathering daffodils in garden
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Baymeath Estate
  • Daniell, George
9.5 X 13.5 print of black and white photo of Betty Moore, daughter-in-law of Edith Moore, nee Pulitzer of Baymeath. Photographer was George Daniell. "Baymeath" was Edith Moore's Hulls Cove estate.
12395Claremont Hotel
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Ballard, W.H.
This is one of six 8 by 10 inch black and white photographs which are COPIES of Ballard photographs used in an exhibit from around 2001. The source of these prints is marked Jaylene. This photograph is of the Claremont Hotel from the water. There is a rowboat in the foreground. The float is in at the dock. The boat house is in the photo but without the deck it has now. The trees come up to the lawn hiding one house on the right side of the picture. Another house is more in view to the right of the hidden house. This is white with dormers. The original of this photo --and possibly the negative -- are in the collection of the Southwest Harbor Public Library. MDIHS does not have permission to reproduce this image. [show more]
12394Great Head
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Ballard, W.H.
  • 08/03/2010
This is the second of six 8 by 10 black and white photographs which were Ballard COPIES from an Historical Society exhibit in about 2001. The source of these prints is marked Jaylene. It is labeled "Great Head" on the back. The rocky cliff is on the left side of the print with the ocean to the right. There is a spot on the right side of the photo. The original of this photo --and possibley the negative -- are in the collection of the Southwest Harbor Public Library. MDIHS does not have permission to reproduce this image. [show more]
12393Great Head
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Ballard, W.H.
  • 08/03/2010
This is the third of six 8 by 10 black and white photographs which were Ballard copies from an Historical Society exhibit in about 2001. The source of these prints is marked Jaylene. It is labeled "Great Head" on the back like 010.FIC.123.2, however, more of the rock formations are visible in the foreground with the rocky cliff in the background on the left side of the print . The view of the ocean to the right is taken from farther away than 010.FIC.123.2. There are a few tiny white spots on the right side of the photo. The original of this photo --and possibley the negative -- are in the collection of the Southwest Harbor Public Library. MDIHS does not have permission to reproduce this image. [show more]
12392Jordan Pond House
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Ballard, W.H.
  • 08/03/2010
This is the fourth of six eight by ten inch black and white photograph COPIES of Ballard photos which were used in an Historical Society exhibit in about 2001. The source of these photographs is marked Jaylene. This photograph is of the original Jordan Pond House before it burned and was replaced by the present-day structure. Three of the tables on the lawn are being used. The original of this photo --and possibly the negative -- are in the collection of the Southwest Harbor Public Library. MDIHS does not have permission to reproduce this image. [show more]
12391Seaside Inn, Seal Harbor, Maine
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Ballard, W.H.
  • 08/03/2010
This is the fifth of six eight by ten inch black and white photograph COPIES of Ballard photos which were used in an Historical Society exhibit in about 2001. The source of these photographs is marked Jaylene. This print is of the Seaside Inn which was located in Seal Harbor, Maine but is no longer in existence. The original of this photo --and possibly the negative -- are in the collection of the Southwest Harbor Public Library. MDIHS does not have permission to reproduce this image. [show more]
13099Baker Island Light
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Ballard, W.H.
  • 08/03/2010
This is the sixth of six 8 by 10 inch black and white photograph COPIES which were used in an Historical Society exhibit in about 2001. The source for these photos is marked Jaylene. This print is of Baker Island Lighthouse. An American flag is flying on the flagpole in front of the keeper's house. The light is attached to the right of keeper's house. There is a shed on the right side of the photo which has two large drums mounted beside it. The original of this photo --and possibly the negative -- are in the collection of the Southwest Harbor Public Library. MDIHS does not have permission to reproduce this image. There are a few tiny white spots on the print. [show more]
13098Bubbles, Jordan Pond
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Ballard, W.H.
  • 08/03/2010
This is one of two 11 by 14 inch black and white COPIES of Ballard photos used in an Historical exhibit about 2001. The source of the originals is not known. This print is taken from in front of the original Jordan Pond House facing the Bubbles. There are 4 chairs in the foreground, only one is occupied. There is another chair on the left edge of the photograph. The original of this photo --and possibly the negative -- are in the collection of the Southwest Harbor Public Library. MDIHS does not have permission to reproduce this image. [show more]
13306Jordan Pond Stepping Stones
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Ballard, W.H.
  • 08/03/2010
This is the second of two 11 by 14 inch black and white COPIES of Ballard photos used in an Historical exhibit about 2001. The source of the originals is not known. This print is a close-up of the pond from the stepping stones which are on the right side of the pond as you face the Bubbles. The original of this photo --and possibly the negative -- are in the collection of the Southwest Harbor Public Library. MDIHS does not have permission to reproduce this image. [show more]
2296Wm. Keene at Manset
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Ballard, W.H.
A digital .tif image of the schooner, William Keene, unloading at the Manset dock. This photo was found in the collection, on a CD --01/28/2014. Source and provenance are unknown. Two images are attached to this record: smaller jpg file and .tif in the Larger Image data folder.
8403Films for Tracy Log Book 1855: A Month in summer
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
Complete set: films used for the original & only printing of The Tracy Log Book 1855 A Month in Summer: Charles Tracy's Diary on Mount Desert Island, with original sketches and drawings by Frederic Edwin Church, edited by Anne Mazlish. CONSULT WITH EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR BEFORE USING
13593Seawall Home of Edith Hamilton
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, buildings
  • Places, Landscape
  • George Daniell
Seawall Home of writer Edith Hamilton, famous Greek Scholar. Her dog in foreground. Traditional cape with modern addition. White clapboard two story addition with stone pillars supporting covered porch. Gift of George Daniell.
13633Gunnar Hansen in "The Lordly Lion"
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • People
  • George Daniell
  • 1968c.
Gunnar Hansen and playmate in “The Lordly Lion”. Scenery by Stephen Dorland. Hanson to left, curly dark hair with beard. Wearing crown, draping coat with leopard skin trim, holding walking stick. Woman next to him wears black leotard and tights. Poses with hands on hips and on leg lifted in air. Painted jungle backdrop. Gift of George Daniell.
13097Esso Gas Pumps, head of MDI
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Head of the Island
  • George Daniell
Esso Gas pumps at head of Mt. Desert Island. Ice machine, telephone booth and car to right. Scene covered in snow. Gift of George Daniell.
13634Madeira House, Manset
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Boats
  • Other, Building
  • Places, Landscape
  • George Daniell
The Madeira’s House on the Manset Shore road taken from floats at Manset Dock. Asian style architecture. Man working on lawn at the left side of house. Stone pier in front of house. Ramp extending from pier. In foreground, lobster boat at float. Small punt overturned on float. Ramp to the left. Gift of George Daniell. Originally built by Carroll Tyson of Philadelphia (per Roc Caivano, 2013/ AB)