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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
10335Open air market in Philadelphia
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Other, buildings
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
  • c 1950s
People looking over food at an open air market. Slightly out of focus
10336Betsey Ross Home Philadelphia by LaRue Spiker
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Other, buildings
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
  • c 1950s
People on the sidewalk outside the home of Betsy Ross home Philadelphia Three copies of this photo. One 8x10, one 5x7, one 3x5
11195Marguerite Yourcenar with Hortense Flexner
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • People
  • unknown
Marguerite Yourcenar with Hortense Flexner seated in wicker garden chairs. This image appears in the biography of Marguerite Yourcenar (Marguerite Yourcenar: Inventing a Life, by Josyane Savigneau, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1993) and is credited to Archives Editions Gallimard.
11196Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wadsworth
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wadsworth with Daschshund seated on slate steps leading to a house.
11197Bea Gates and Lisa Creed
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Object, Art
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Bea Gates and Lisa Creed working on a printing press.
11198Visitors to Park
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Visitors to the park looking at a bulletin board with a poster discussing plant life. Appears to be at Wild Gardens of Acadia.
11200Edwin and Thelma Farley
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Edwin and Thelma Farley sit in front of their anniversary cake.
11199Mrs. and Dr. George Snell
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Dr. and Mrs. George Snell seated at table in front of television microphones. Dr. Snell of the Jackson Laboratory won the Nobel Prize.
11201The Hadlocks
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Hadlock examine native American bowl at the Abbe Museum
1120260th anniversary Grenvilles
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Mr. and Mrs. Grenville in front of anniversary cake. Caption on the back of the photo reads" 120 years of marriage. 60th anniversary".
11203Big Tree Florida 1948
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
  • 1948
Unknown couple, may be LaRue Spiker’s parents, standing in front of a large tree. Sign in front of them says, “Big Tree Florida 1948. Oldest-Largest Cyprus 3500 years 17 x 127 feet. Caption on the back reads, “Fla. 1948 - I was looking for something, and this fell out, Will pass it on to you in hopes you’ll get a big laugh. I was shocked at how distressed Pop looks and I can’t remeber of my face being so fat. I think this tree is some where near Orlander seems like some one was with us but I don’t know who. Any way I don’t want it around here.” [show more]
11204Leroy and Eunice
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
  • c 1970s
Leroy and Eunice unknown (no last name given). Couple approxiimately age 70 to 80 seated on a couch holding hands.
11205Mrs. Gerard Haraden
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
  • c 1970s
Mrs. Gerard Haraden being presented a framed certificate by a Park Ranger.
11206Chong and Judy Lin
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Object, Art
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Chong and Judy Lin holding engraved plates near printing press.
11207Anne Mintz
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Other, music
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Anne Mintz and unknown man seated on couch holding unusual musical intruments.
11208Ernie and Marilyn McMullen
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Ernie and Marilyn McMullen holding tray full of mugs outside what appears to be a brick oven.
11209Mr and Mrs Ralph ?
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph unknown (last name not identified) with two crates of lobsters.
11212Lee Wilbur
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Other, industry - Boat Building
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Lee Wilbur and unknown man on the left on a new fishing boat. Accession number also listed on the back as 998-570-1675
11213Bion Farnsworth and John Hinckley
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Other, industry - Boat Building
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Bion Farnsworth (in the white shirt) and part-time assistant, lobsterman John Hinckley, lever and cradle a boat off the car which runs into the water on steel tracks. Has tape marks on it-yellow
11214Two Masted Sailboat
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Other, transportation - Maritime
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Unknown Man in double ended two-masted sailboat.
11215Man in sailboat
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Other, transportation - Maritime
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Man in small sailboat Savannah of W. Tremont. Two copies of the same photograph in the album.
11217Hauling Traps
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Other, industry - Fishing
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Unknown Lobsterman hauling trap from the water.
11216Peter Hjarth and Farnham Butler
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Other, industry - Boat Building
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Peter Hjarth (sp?) with Lucky (sp?) Pierre in front of new boat about to be launched. The man in the white shirt is Farnham Butler of Mount Desert Yacht Yard. (RSR 5/2015)
11218Lyford Stanley and John Letour
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Other, industry - Boat Building
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Lyford Stanley (L) and John Letour (R) looks at a half hull with another unknown man .
10808Win Ellis
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Other, industry - Boat Building
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Boat builder Win Ellis working on the lead keel cast for a boat.