Description: Eric Rodick and unknown friend smoking cigarette leaning against store on cottage street. Bicycles leaning against store front. Village Emporium at the end of the block.
Description: People crossing the street at crosswalk at the corner of Main Street and Cottage Street. Jade East T-shirt shop in the background. Sign in shape of lobster for Testa’s restaurant to the right. Man taking picture on the left in the background.
Description: Ralph Tracy and Pauline Higgins Tracy standing arm-in-arm on granite block. Photo may have been taken on Cadillac Mountain with distant water background. Partial view of automobile ca. 1930 visible in lower left corner of picture.
Description: Ralph Tracy and Pauline Higgins Tracy standing arm-in-arm on granite block. Photo may have been taken on Cadillac Mountain with water in background. Partial view of automobile (c. 1930) visible in lower left corner of picture. circa 1930
Description: Lobsterman, holds large lobster. Standing on float next to lobster boat. NOTE: original title in data base was "Cunningham Grins Over a Big One." Martha Dudman says this is Warren Fernald. According to Paul Fernald, Warren Fernald's son, this man is not his father. Seems the original title is likely correct. Paul did not recognize this lobsterman. (R. Rea 5/14/2015)
Description: Unknown man standing in front of microphone on outdoor stage. Band and crowd in background. Another man stands to the right. All wearing winter coats.
Description: Dr. Susan Zell is using the techniques of biochemistry to determine when young salmon are ready to migrate from their home waters to the sea. Marked “Public Information Photo University of Maine at Orono”.