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Item | Title | Type | Subject | Creator | Publisher | Date | |
16635 | Letter correcting information on marriage of John Mayo |
| Description: Jean Mayo-Rodwick emailed MID Historical Society to correcty identify the marriage of John Mayo to Tamisen Brike on 3/21/1618. | |
16634 | Letter to Jean Mayo-Lakatos |
| Description: Hansen's letter to Jean Mayo-Lakatos regarding updating MDI Historical Society on Mayo genealogy. | |
16633 | Letter from Wilson Mayo to 1st Artillery Commanding Officer, photocopy and transcription |
| Description: Photocopy and transcription of letter from Wilson Mayo to 1st Artillery Commanding Officer attempting to locate his brother, Isaac Mayo, during Civil War. | |
16632 | Letter regarding Mayo genealogy in England |
| Description: Letter regarding Mayo genealogy research in England. | |
3889 | Document photocopy proved by Northamptonshie Record Office regarding John Mayo |
| Description: Document photocopy in indistinguishable script pertaining to John Mano and daughter Elizabeth. | ||
16631 | Letters to Jean Mayo-Lakatos |
| Description: Letter from Leiden, Holland, archives regarding genealogy of Rev. John Mayo | ||
2530 | Photocopy of description of Magdalen Hall, Oxford Univ. |
| Description: Photocopy from Oxford Univ. calendar describing Magdalen Hall (Magdalen College), Oxford Univ., attended by John Mayo | |||
3607 | Topographical Dictionary of 2885 English Emigrants to New England, 1620-1650, photocopied pages |
| Description: Photocoped pages pertaining to emigrant John Mayo. | |
3064 | The Rev. John Mayo - Barnstable Pioneer |
| Description: Essay describing the life of Rev. John Mayo, emigrant from England to Massachusetts, and photocopied photos of locations related to his life. | ||
16629 | Letter from Reid to Jean Mayo-Lakatos |
| Description: Letter from Reid to Mayo-Lakatos regarding genealogical details on Mayos and Howes. | |
3606 | Possible burial sites of John Somes and wife |
| Description: Document discussing cemeteries on Cape Cod where John Mayo and wife Tamisen might have been buried. | |||
2510 | Description of Cape Cod towns |
| Description: Photocopied text from unknown source describing towns of Cape Cod: Dennis, Yarmouth, Barnstable and Eastham where Mayo's settled. | |||
4602 | Reed Genealogical Charts |
| Description: Genealogical charts of Reed family. | ||
3776 | Reed family genealogy |
| Description: Photocopy of 31 pp. compilation by Thomas Read of Reed (Reade,Read) family genealogy, including Reed's who settled on Mount Desert Island. | ||
3519 | Resolution regarding Capt. Nathaniel G Richardson |
| Description: Resolution submitted by the Tremont Lodge F.A. Masons for publication regarding the death of Capt. Nathaniel G. Richardson. Consists of three handwritten scraps of paper. | |
3057 | The Richardson Family |
| Description: 3 copies of history and genealogy of Irish immigrants to America, Stephen Richardson and wife Jane Montgomery. Includes genealogical chart. | |||
2502 | A Pioneer Family: The Richardsons of Mount Desert |
| Description: Portion of Maine Historical Society Prize Essay, 1976, pertaining to 1770 incident between crew member of a Royal Navy ship and a local Bunker young woman. | |
2501 | Historical notes on Richardson Family on Mount Deset Island |
| Description: Typed scraps of notes regarding the Richardson Family settling on Mount Desert Island. | |||
16627 | Letter regarding genealogy of Samuel Richardson |
| Description: Letter excerpt details descendants of Samuel Richardson and Betty Giles and Samuel's second wife Lousana Garland. Samuel lived in Bridgeton, ME, and Aurora, Me. | |
3770 | Elijah Richardson Genealogy |
| Description: One page copy of an excerpt from "Genealogies of Sweden, Maine" detailing the family genealogy of Elijah Richardson | ||
4601 | Stephen Richardson and Jane Montgomery |
| Description: Genealogical chart detailing descendants of Stephen Richardson and Jane Montgomery | |
3771 | History and Genealogy of the Richardson Family of Mount Desert |
| Description: Handwritten pages detailing the history and genealogy of Stephen Richardson, who emigrated from Ireland to Massachusetts. Stephen's sons were early settlers on Mount Desert Island. Includes Richardson family genealogical table. | |||
12083 | Letter concerning Jane Montgomery |
| Description: Letter and attached explanation from Samuel Elliot Morison to Mrs. Marjorie Hayward regarding the question as to whether Jame Montgomery had the title of Lady. | |
3774 | Notes on Richardson Family |
| Description: Handwritten pages and pasted note regarding members of Richardson Family, including graveyard inscriptions. | |||
3773 | Notes pertaining to Deborah Richardson |
| Description: Two page photocopy of handwritten notes regarding the genealogy of Deborah Richardson. |