Abbe Museum (Sieur De Mont Springs) Identifier: 10962 Object ID: 998.1980.3085.842 Catalog: Photos Title: Abbe Museum (Sieur De Mont Springs) Type: Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph Description: Two Black and White photographs of the Sieur de Monts spring house of the Abbe Museum. One photo is 4 x 4 and a 1/2. The other photo is 4 x 5. (Sieur De Monts Location) Creator: Spiker, LaRue Place: Sieur De Mont Springs, Mount Desert Island, Maine Collection: LaRue Spiker Collection PastPerfect: View this item using PastPerfect Online Other Images 1 Citation Spiker, LaRue, “Abbe Museum (Sieur De Mont Springs),” Mount Desert Island Historical Society, accessed March 9, 2025, 10962 Save this item as a PDF file