Mangrove, a marker and and island in the distance Identifier: 18576 Object ID: 998.1980.3085.758 Catalog: Photos Title: Mangrove, a marker and and island in the distance Type: Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph Subject: Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse Description: View from a boat of mangroves on the left handside, a marker and an island in the distance NOTE-Boat ride-1960 From an envelope with 'LaRue Spiker' typed on the outside in the Family,Friends and Personal folder Collection: LaRue Spiker Collection PastPerfect: View this item using PastPerfect Online Citation “Mangrove, a marker and and island in the distance,” Mount Desert Island Historical Society, accessed March 14, 2025, 18576 Save this item as a PDF file