26 - 50 of 105 results
You searched for: Object ID: is not emptyDate: 1880sPlace: [blank]Type: Document
Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
12048Sketches at Manchester by the Sea Kragsyde
  • Document, Advertising, Poster
  • Other, Architectural drawings
  • 1885
Large document with title American Architect and Building News, Mar 7, 1885 Sketches at Manchester by the Sea Kragsyde Summer Residence of G Nixon Black Esq Shows drawing of first and second floor Indoor and Outdoor pictures Looks like it might be a reproduction
11962Chart #3, Mount Desert Island 1883
  • Document, Chart, Navigational Chart
  • 1883
Coast Chart #3. Mount Desert Island and Approaches to Blue Hall Bay and Frenchman's Bay. 1883. "Charles Pepper" written on back.
11961Penobscot Bay, 1880. Chart #4.
  • Document, Chart, Navigational Chart
  • 1880
Penobscot Bay, 1880. Chart #4. Paper backed with linen. Stored in black canvas sleeve
11730Historical notes nos. I-V.Champlain Society
  • Document, Log
  • Other, Champlain Society
  • Eliot, Charles
  • 1887
Historical notes nos. I-VIII. Champlain Society Historical Notes submitted by Charles Eliot One "volume" is I-V; another is No. VI, another No.VII, and another No. VIII (1887) They are all covered in mylar and tied together in string.
11728Charles Eliot's notes on the early explorers of the New England coast.
  • Document, Log
  • Eliot, Charles
  • 1881
From a note, possibly as display label, inserted in the notebook: Charles Eliot's notes on the early explorers of the New England coast. This notebook was probably compiled in 1881-1883. Some of the notes were used in S. A. E's "Mt. Desert" Two pages have been cut out from the start of the notebook. Pages have been numbered with a sequential stamp. The first remaining page is 5. The last numbered page is 288. In most of the notebook there is writing only on the odd pages - the right page of an open two page spread. A single detached page found in the notebook is entitled, "Summary". This page is entered separately as 005.17.20 27 x 23 cm. [show more]
11727Champlain Society Records Camp Asticou Log 1882
  • Document, Log
  • 1882
Title page: Champlain Society Records Camp Log 1882 Camp Asticou Northeast Harbor Me. - Also the yacht log 1882. First entry: Sunday July 2nd, 1882 Last entry: Monday September 11th, 1882
11726Champlain Club Camp and Yacht "Sunshine" Logs 1880
  • Document, Log
  • 1880
Cambridge Wednesday March. 31. 1880. This evening the gentlemen named below met at 34 Grays and had a talk about the camping expedition which has been proposed by Charles Eliot. The party is to have the use of Mr. C. W. Eliot's yacht and camping outfit, and the plan is that each member of the party shall do some work in some branch of natural history or science. Charles Eliot has invited 12 person to be members of the club, and 7 of these were present this evening, as follows. [show more]
11724Champlain Society Records | Camp Asticou Log | 1883
  • Document, Log
  • 1883
Title page: Champlain Society. Records | Vol. VII (crossed out) | Camp Log | 1883. | Camp Asticou. | Northeast Harbor | Maine | From July 8th to September 6th Pages hand numbered through 143
11722Log of "Sunshine" | 1881
  • Document, Log
  • 1881
First entry: Aug. 23. Last entry: Sept 4.
11719Champlain Society Records | Camp Log 1884
  • Document, Log
  • 1884
Title page: Champlain Society. | Records. | Vol IX (crossed out) | Camp Log 1884. Cover detached, some water damage. Includes 9 photographs of various locations on Mount Desert Island. One photograph of Camp Asticou follows the title page. The remaining photographs follow the text. First entry: Sunday, July 13th. Last entry: Tuesday, August 26th Pages hand numbered through page 105. Photographs are on unnumbered pages.
11715Champlain Society | Report of the Ichthyological. | Department. | 1880.
  • Document, Log
  • Rand, Edward L.
  • 1880
Title page: Champlain Society | 1880. | Report of the Ichthyological Department. | Cambridge | 1880. 17 hand numbered pages
8634Wedding announcement for Mary Francis Cushman and John Andrew Peters, Jr.
  • Document, Announcement, Wedding Announcement
  • Other, Celebrations
  • Other, Wedding
  • 11/20/1889
Wedding announcement. “Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Cushman announce the marriage of their daughter Mary Frances and Mr. John Andrew Peters, Jr.” November 20, 1889. Ellsworth, Maine. Previously archived as 016.FIC.001.37.F
5504Quarry Letter from A. A. Murphy of Sound Me to A. H. Ash of Bar Harbor regarding the sale of a quarry, 1889
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, History - Bar Harbor
  • Other, History - Hall Quarry
  • Other, History - Sound
  • 11/29/1889
1889 letter from A. A. Murphy of Sound Me to A. H. Ash of Bar Harbor regarding the sale of a quarry . Hand written Envelope includes two 1 cent stamps and is stamped by both Sound and Bar Harbor post offices
4635Announcement of Marriage Fuller and Manchester
  • Document, Announcement, Wedding Announcement
  • 1888
Marriage Announcment of Minnie Fuller and Ansel Manchester, envelope Very light printing so doesn't scan well
4566J. Darling Hunter and Guide
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Other, Tourism
  • Recreation
  • 8/11/1880
Typed copy of Bar Harbor Tourist advertisement for J. Darling hunter and guide - Jordan Pond Canoe and Guides.
4544Union Church, Northeast Harbor Me.
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Savage, Fred L.
  • 1887
2012 exhibit text: Union Church (Peabody and Stearns 1887) Fred L. Savage, draftsman Northeast Harbor, ME Ink on linen The Gerrish Collection, Northeast Harbor Library One of Savage's first drafting exercises shows a very sparsely and naively rendered facade in contrast with the richness of materials of the built project. His ability to sketch, draw and render in order to communicate as an architect matured. He developed a personal style of sketching and communicating his ideas and designs to himself and clients. [show more]
4497To Mary Newman from Charlotte Newman, in Ellsworth, 1882
  • Document, Correspondence
  • 1882
To Mary Newman from Charlotte Newman, daughter, in Ellsworth, 1882 She has heard from Jane and she is sick. "The doctor sess (sic) she never will be eny better" ..."she has nothing to make hir comfitable and has to work like a dog" Mentions Harry coming to see Mary and father.
4491Martha Newman, Cherryfield Maine to mother Mary Newman, 1889
  • Document, Correspondence
  • 1889
Martha Newman, Cherryfield Maine to mother Mary Newman, November 13, 1889 Is lonesome and wanting to get home. Children sick with hooping cough She'd like to see her father
4419Marriage Certificate: Clarence Clark & Florence Stanley
  • Document, Government, Marriage Record, Marriage Certificate
  • 1883
Holes cut out for photographs of bride and groom Mr. Clark and Miss Stanley were from Tremont. They were married on Oct. 28, 1883 by Rev. J.S. Allen 14" X 21"
4350Wedding Announcement
  • Document, Announcement, Wedding Announcement
  • 1884
Wedding announcement, 1884, Cecil E. Wasgatt, Jennie L. Sawyer, Deer Isle, ME
42821880 Photo Album
  • Document, Memorabilia, Album, Photograph Album
  • 1880
5x6 leather photo album containing sixteen unidentified portraits. Condition of album cover, poor. Some pages at end of photo album are empty. Some photos in album are tintypes, others are studio portraits on paper. Inscription on frontispiece is Dec. 25, 1880. Photos in the album have been left in the pages as found in the collection. Each page has been scanned and given a separate object ID #
40191882 Contract between HH Clark and James Grining
  • Document, Legal, Deed
  • 1882
Document turning over property of James Grining, held in guardianship for his minor heirs by HH Clark, to his son (not named and did not sign). Only witnesses : Thomas Savage, Cora E. Bracy. Tremont Apr 8, 1882
3943School Agent's Census, 1882, District 1
  • Document, Government, Census Record
  • Other, Census
  • Other, Schools
  • 1882
3940Bill of Lading
  • Document, Shipping Record, Bill of Lading
  • Other, Shipping
  • 1887
Shipped by Carleton, Norwood & Co. on board Kate L. Pray
3934Shares in Mt. Desert Steamboat Wharf Co.
  • Document, Financial, Stock Certificate
  • Other, Steamboats
  • 1880
Nos. 17-19 owned by Charles P. Somes; $5 to a share.